Aavid Thermalloy

Aavid - Aavid, Thermal Division of Boyd Corporation is the largest provider of thermal management solutions and engineering services in the world. For decades, Aavid has consistently brought the most innovative cooling technologies to market while also improving the efficiency and availability of traditional thermal management solutions. With hundreds of engineers in design and manufacturing facilities across the globe, Aavid's experience and expertise combined with their dedication to unique problem solving, allows them to meet the most demanding requirements and resolve any thermal challenge.

التغذية المرتدة

نقدر تعاونك مع منتجات وخدمات Chipsmall رأيك يهمنا برجاء التكرم بملء الاستمارة الواردة ادناه. إن تعليقاتكم القيمة تضمن لنا تقديم الخدمة الاستثنائية التي تستحقونها باستمرار. شكراً لكونك جزء من رحلتنا نحو التميز