Macroblock was founded in June,1999 in Hsinchu,Taiwan,and positions itself as a mixed-signal design house with special focus on the power management and opto-electronic applications.Macroblock was certifed by ISO 900 1:2000 in April,2004. Macroblock is now a leading LED driver provider and focuses on the LED driver design which contributes to utimate LED performance for LED display,backlighting,and lighting applications.With continuous technology innovations,Macroblock has been successfully marketed over 500 worldwide customers and ''ranked 34 in LED driver market in 2010 by IMS Research.''

MBI منتجات مميزة

التغذية المرتدة

نقدر تعاونك مع منتجات وخدمات Chipsmall رأيك يهمنا برجاء التكرم بملء الاستمارة الواردة ادناه. إن تعليقاتكم القيمة تضمن لنا تقديم الخدمة الاستثنائية التي تستحقونها باستمرار. شكراً لكونك جزء من رحلتنا نحو التميز